Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Action day!

Cornelia made a reaaaally nice poster. You can admire it in the Forest Café.

But there are many things left to do: decorate de drop-box, leaflets, start maping, craft around to make material for a stall, think about possible links with other projects/people, keep spreading...

For that reason, we will have an action day this SUNDAY the 16th!
Please come along!

  • We will meet at 12 in the Forest Café to have a meeting where we'll organize and check on old and new action points. Discuss new ideas, and hopefully get some magic input from more people than just Cornelia and me!
  • At 1 we will head over upstears, for we have monopolized this week's "scrapage savage" to make maps and other crafty things out of recicled materials for the project.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Minutes from today

We had a wonderful meeting in the garden of the Forest Café! Fiona was also present.

-We discussed whether we should put our names on the poster or make it anonymous because we don't want to claim that much ownership over it. It's everybody's memories. However, with Fiona's opinion in favour as well, we decided we'd put our names on it because we believe it might look more approachable if there is somebody tangible behind it. And we want to reach out as far as possible!
-AP: Cornelia to do it. She'll take a map of Edinburgh and put information on it with white pieces of written paper.

-AP: Cornelia to do it, similarly to the poster. We decided to make them 1/8 of a A4 shit, so we can get more out of less paper! Yeai!

-Cornelia found a box, to be decorated.

-Neus set it up on Wednesday afternoon. Still to improve
-AP: Neus to write exactly what you're reading now.
-AP: Neus to sort out Cornelia to be able to write as well.

Forest Grant
-It's out there again for people to apply if they have interesting projects.
-AP: Cornelia to ask Nix or whoever how to go about it. We think this project is ACE!

-we were discussing the idea of having a form with the question: how do you feel about Edinburgh? With tick boxes of age, gender, amount of years in Edinburgh... to be able to map interesting comparisons on how people feel
-however we're not clear about it. It's an interesting thought but forms put some people off, and they're not in direct contact with people...

Spread the word
-we should go around asking people
-maybe get material for a stall ready, so to have in the Meadows festival or events of the like

-monopolize will's scrapage savage on Sundays in the Forest. AP: Cornelia to ask him. If he agrees, we'll decorate the drop box, do some nice cardbox stuff... get material to set action spots in the meadows... open to ideaas!
-AP: neus to make a facebook event when Will confirms. It'd be sunday next week from 1 to 4pm. In the hall of the Forest Café.

Go round day
-17th of May, Monday.
-We'll go round Community Centres, maybe churches, random people in the street...

This is it for now...
please spread the word
and get involved!!!

We'll confirm the action day and the go-round day.

Blue skies for everybody!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Meeting tomorrow at the Forest Café: 11.00 a.m.

Tomorrow Cornelia and I will meet at 11.00 a.m. at the Forest Café.
Lovely lovely!

The main agenda points are to
-view over the blog and the facebook group
-Cornelia to bring the poster
-sort out the drop box
-keep thinking of ways to reachout

hope to see you there!

Getting started!

Hello everybody!

Yesterday was our first meeting. Cornelia and I came up with a first mind-map of ideas and action points. As well as a sort of timeline to make sure the project is ready before the Fringe starts in Edinburgh.
I will upload both as soon as possible.

Soon I will try to make this look nicer, but for now the important thing was to get started!
Please spread the word, we want to have a piece of everybody in it!

We are spreading ourselves through: